Friday, January 25, 2008

From a freshman: Five Tips for Success in College

1) Build a social network
2) Get good with names
3) Feel out your campus
4) Create rituals
5) Remember what you're at school to do

each of these in depth

88 Surefire Tips for Succeeding in College

Congratulations to those of you who are attending college. A world of opportunities lies before you. But it won't last forever. Chances are you'll only be in college for four or five short years.

So do yourself a favor and take advantage of every moment you have in the next few years. At most colleges you have a plethora of resources there to help you grow into a successful person, if you simply know where to look and are willing to take advantage of them. We've left no stone unturned in collecting the following 88 tips to help you make the most this time.


118 Ways to Save Money in College

So you have already looked for scholarships, grants, and loans and are still finding it hard to pay your way through college? It goes without saying that the typical college student is either broke or financially hanging in the balance most of the time. We’ve assembled a long list of both practical and creative ways you can save some green while you’re going to campus.


5 Ways of Breaking the Procrastination Habit

Procrastination is a one of the most odious behaviors simply because we watch ourselves do it. Like a bad dream, we watch ourselves piddle at something that is at best marginally useful even as something we know is useful (Covey’s Type II tasks) languishes. And the oddest thing is that we tend to procrastinate most about the things most important to us.

In fact, think about the activity that you most procrastinate about. Often times, that is the very thing you most want to do, that you know will help you achieve a major life goal.


How to Fail Proof You Day and Life

Are you constantly forgetting things when you leave the house, missing appointments, searching for your keys, and more? If so, you're not alone. Modern life is very hectic. We've all got a lot going on and consequently our minds are scattered. You'll be happy to know that there is an easy solution. Apply this magic question every time you have something you MUST not forget: "How can I fail proof it?" Make sure there are no loopholes and you'll be on your way to success.


9 Ways to Have a Better Day than Yesterday

Did you have a bad day yesterday? If you'd like to start anew and have a better day today, then read on for some tips on how to have a great day today.

1. Decide that Today Will Be a Great Day. Make it real by writing it down and saying it out loud to yourself. It may seem kooky but it works. When I set my wakeup alarm on my cell phone, I have this message displayed "Wake up and smile! Today is going to be a Great Day!" Don't be embarrassed. No one needs to know you do this. :)

2. Take it Slow. If yesterday was bad or if you are tired today, take it slow to "warm up" before you kick your day into high gear. If you need to, stay in "slow & steady" pace for the whole day.

3. Cultivate Compassion, Don't Judge. For a whole day make a pact with yourself not to judge yourself or others. Give everyone, including yourself, the benefit of the doubt for one whole day. Even if you don't believe what you're telling yourself at first, stick with it. It will help change the mental pathways that you tread every day. What do you have to lose except maybe a little misery?

4. Observe, Don't React. When you encounter things that would normally make you angry, (traffic, certain people, slow computer, etc), plan to observe these things in a detached way as opposed to reacting with anger. If you are angry a lot, be kind to yourself and figure out what is making you angry. Often reacting in anger is a habit, and the good news is habits can be broken! Start slow. Are you chronically tired? Are you frustrated with something in your life? Write it down or talk it out with a friend and then make a plan to remedy your triggers.

  • If it's rest you need, take some time, say before bed or first thing in the morning, to mentally review which commitments you could cut back on or delete altogether. By freeing up some time, you could get some more rest, exercise, or time to work on something you want to change

  • If you're trying to change something in your life to rid yourself of frustration and anger, make a plan, and enlist someone to help you even if it is to just help keep you on track with your plan.

  • If you are angry about things in your life that you can't control, try to make a small dent in your frustration a little bit each day. A helpful question might be to ask yourself, "How can I be at peace with this situation today?"

5. Smile at People. Smile at everyone you meet. Fake it 'til you feel it. Laugh at the ridiculous things that happen in life! Humor is the ultimate for producing a sense of well-being. If humor is not your forte, seek out or call the funniest person you know and tell them you need some jokes to get the ball rolling today.

6 Pay it Forward. Do something nice for someone else. Try doing this all day. Compliment people, thank people, let people go ahead of you in traffic or in line. Watch how quickly that goodness comes back to you!

7. Treat Yourself! Make it a point to indulge in a favorite treat or activity, or break one of your own rules today. You know that thing you always want to do, but you never allow yourself. Maybe it's a piece of chocolate cake or maybe knock off from work early for once. You could go to the bookstore, see a movie, go to the beach. Or you could include a friend or loved one in on the fun. Maybe you and some friends could go play paintball or go to F1 Go-Carts. Or perhaps you could pick up some food for dinner, grab a blanket, and treat your spouse/friend/kids to an impromptu evening picnic!

8. Count your Blessings. Even when things are bad, there are always things to be thankful for. List them out in your head or write them down.

9. Get some Great Rest Tonight! You deserve it!

Have a great day!


Making Your Passion Your Profession

Below are the highlights from a presentation given in Madison, Wisconsin entitled: The Processed Life: Turning your passion into your profession:


ULTIMATE Student Resource List

A LOT of helpful stuff here. Use some of it.


Students: 10 Steps Toward Better Research

Research skills are rarely taught very clearly — professors assume students know or can figure out how to do good research, or at best turn their students over to a librarian for a tour of the library’s facilities and resources. Is it any wonder that so many university students rely on Wikipedia as the first and last stop in their research itinerary? To help students get up to speed on basic research skills, here’s 10 tips to help you find, organize, and use the information you need to put together a decent research paper.


Why Your Classes are Boring

Does your textbook make your eyes glaze over? Is the desire for a degree or diploma the only thing keeping you focused on your classes? I’ll admit the lecture format most schools use to teach material isn’t the best way to hold your attention. But I think there is a more important factor when deciding if classes keep you interested:


Advice for College Graduates

My own advice follows the same pattern; although directed at future academics, it is applicable to anyone looking to enter almost any career: NETWORK!


Advice for Students: 11+ Ways to Make this Your Best Semester Yet

America’s students are heading back to school for the Fall semester. Last week, I gave some very specific advice about using a wiki to store and organize notes, but keeping good notes is just part of being a successful student. Over the weekend, I decided to offer up some more general, all-purpose advice for students. Whether you’re just starting college or returning, the tips below will help you make the most out of the coming school year.


20 Foods for Productivity

1. Avocados. These keep you from bloating up after a big lunch and are tasty either on their own, with sugar or salt on top, or with your salad.
2. Almonds. Great for brainpower. Read more here.
3. Raisins. Want more energy? Grab a pack of raisins. They are high in energy and antioxidants, and low in fat and calories.
4. Figs. They help maintain high energy levels while keeping your appetite far away. Whether you find fresh figs or a pack of dried fruit, enjoy its natural sweetness.
5. Olives. These are anti-inflammatory and they reduce symptoms to arthritis, asthma and menopause.
6. Walnuts. These are full of omega 3 fatty acids to help you think more clearly and keep you focused. Excellent source of protein, but be sure to chew well.
7. Carrots. I love carrots and have at least six carrots in a big glass of juice every morning. They are also good for other times too. Snacking on one cup of chopped carrots will give you six times your recommended daily value of Vitamin A. They improve eyesight, especially in the dark.
8. Strawberries. As with carrots and flaxseeds, strawberries surprisingly aid in better eye sight. Eating strawberries has also been linked to preventing cancer.
9. Flaxseeds. If you’ve been working hard all day, have some flaxseeds. They are great for your eyes to stop them feeling a little dried out, and allowing you to feel fresh even after a hard day.
10. Water. Nothing beats water, the healthiest drink on the planet. It speeds up your metabolism, makes you feel fuller instead of eating junk and keeps you hydrated.
11. Sunflower seeds. A popular way to beat fatigue. Chew properly as it can take some time.
12. Papaya. The colorful fruit helps protect you against the potential damages of secondhand smoke, rheumatoid arthritis, and even the common cold.
13. Pear. Usually only available during the pear season and when they come out, I always get them. They taste good, they’re cool in the mouth and they are hypo-allergenic.
14. Green tea. So this is probably one of the trendiest tea’s out there, but it’s also very healthy for your body. They are full of antioxidants and strengthens your immune system.
15. Ginger. Great for beating nausea and stomach gas. Have it as ginger tea, ginger in your stomach or as low fat ginger cookies. Also helps ease stomach tummy muscles.
16. Peppermint. If you have a stomach bug or just need to perk up a bit, have a peppermint drink. It’s a great muscle relaxant and helps you clean up your nasal passages and breathe easily.
17. Watermelon. There is nothing like cool, red sweet watermelon that gives you great energy and nutrients without any calories. It’s a great energy booster.
18. Low fat yoghurt. Yoghurt is refreshing and cool when you put it in your mouth so it’s a great, tasteful wake up call for your mind.
19. Dark chocolate. Having one small bar a day will satisfy your cravings for sweets and give you a load of antioxidants.
20. Raspberries. These beautiful fruits are a great source of antioxidants which are great to neutralize your free radicals which can affect your cells.


What to do if You Are Laid off in the 2008 Recession

It’s sad to hear about layoffs at companies like Yahoo. Right now it seems like a bad time to be laid off. I’m here to offer some hope.

I laid myself off in February 2002. Remember that time? It was far worse than what we’ve seen so far in the economic turmoil of 2008. It seemed like EVERYONE was laid off. There was even a Website,, that tracked layoff after layoff. No good news, like the funding of Automattic, was coming out. 9/11 just happened and it seemed to be particularly dire.

But even in that tough time I found a job working at NEC. Here’s some tips I learned from that time.


Stretch Time With Your Mind

For most people, getting into "the zone" at work or home isn't a realistic option. But the idea of stretching time - or at least having more control over its frantic pace - is an attractive one


Live Longer by Fighting With Your Significant Other

NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - Fighting with your spouse can actually be good for your health with people who bottle it all up found to die earlier, a new study shows.

Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and its Psychology Department released preliminary findings after 17 years of following 192 couples.


Stay Awake at Work/School

1. Take a day off and come back the next day refreshed and ready to go.

2. Staying Awake in Class.
* Bring food. candy, gum, coffee, etc.
* Write down everything the teacher says to keep your mind on point.
* Fidget. move around as much as possible. dont sit there and fall asleep.
* Think of something that you like, talk to yourself (in your mind).
* Use your laptop.
* Entertain yourself. check out the other people in the class.

* Rest your head in your hand.
* Rest close your eyes.
* Lay your head down.

3. Take a nap. Aim for a short one, 20-30 minutes so you wont wake up tired. Sleep in your car on in the library, somewhere comfy. Dont make it a habit though. Your body will always want to nap at the same time everyday.

4. Exercise. do some jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups... stretch. get your energy up.

5. Take it easy. If you know you have a long day ahead of you, pace yourself.

6. Wash your face with water. Just like a mini shower.

7. Have a snack.

8. Smell something. take a whiff of some cologne or perfume. Not too much though.